Posted in Challenges

Twenty Words Tuesday #1

Hello readers… This is a blessed week for our Indians, specially for North eastern people! Why you know? We are celebrating birthday of our Supreme God, the divine Lord (Shri) Krishna and it is widely known as, Janmastami (Lord Krishna’s Birthday). Hence, wish you happy Janmastami, may Lord Krishna shower all his blessings on you… May all your prayers be answered and all your dreams come true…. Though, in India, Janmastami is officially celebrated on 11th August, but India has diverse cultures and antique stories that led to the creation of new customs which are strongly emphasized, henceforth, different regions follow their own tradition (folks narrate originality). However, we Hindus resolutely follow our religion and believe in spirituality…. May the divine rest upon every single soul, and his blessings meet our expectations….

Lord Krishna
Lord Krishna with Radha (Best friend)
Shri Krishna along with Radha, and a mass of Gopis (devotees)

So, focusing on the challenge, first of all, thank you Akanksha….
This week prompt is Kaleidoscope from Twenty Words Tuesday hosted by Bulbul’s Bubble and here’s my take.

Different dimensions, Different views
to form patterns of yellow and blue…
Synthesizing mixtures of
colours and conviction,
yet contemplation hassles….


Thank you for reading…. I hope you enjoyed!!


Hii! You are meeting a writer here. I am doing my bachelors currently and in 2 years I am going to graduate. Listening to music, watching psychological thrillers, writing and photography are among the list of things I am really passionate about! As a college student, life has been hectic so I barely get some free time to involve myself in hobbies and doing little things which makes me feel motivated and happy, although I do make some fun time from the busy schedule, enjoying, exploring and expressing within my personal space. And I'm very fond of aesthetic stuffs, may it be arranging the pinterest boards or my camera clicks... anything where beauty flows naturally spreading joy with a tint of delicacy, mystery, art and knowledge. Hunger for knowledge always had me pondering over infinite 'hows' and 'whys'... Much love for my readers<333

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